October 9 2014

October 9 2014

Technical Meeting Report on: Prof. Gregory Grigoropoulos, Professor of Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, at the School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Greece, speech on the subject of:

 “A New Procedure to Prepare, Conduct and Analyze the Sea Trials of Ships’’ on 9 October 2014

By John Kokarakis

Our section has inaugurated a series of thematic presentations all related to the energy efficiency issue and its repercussions. The first presentation took place on October 9th in the Anangel Auditorium with an audience of over sixty members and non-members. The topic was the revision of the speed measurement standard ISO 15016: 2002. We were lucky that the speaker Professor Grigoropoulos was a member of the Specialist Committee revising the standard.  Everybody from the local shipping community has keen interest on the speed trials given the impact of speed on the IMO-unveiled EEDI index. There was description of the necessary steps for trial preparation as well as the logistics and procedure to assess the results. It was mentioned that the significant wave height prevailing during the trials is bounded as a function of the length of the vessel. There is also distinction if the wave height assessment is done electronically in a spectral form or by the perennially conservative observation. The so called “direct power” method is applied, combined with test results from load variation tests. Corrections due to propeller load, wind, shallow water, temperature effects on sea water density, wave added resistance and current were described and their final form in the revised ISO standard was explained in detail. Recommendations for future work to further refine subject corrections were also presented. Suffice to say that there was a very interesting question and answer session with a lot of valuable input from both the academia and the shipping industry present. The meeting also honored the memory of our colleague naval architect Nikos Boussounis, Senior Vice President and Regional Manager for the East Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Sea for DNV. He passed away one day prior to our meeting. He will be remembered by all of us for his kindness, efficiency and intelligence. The shipping communities locally and abroad are mourning his loss.


From the left: J. Kokkarakis (Chairman), A. Gerogiannaki (Secretary/Treasurer), Prof. Gregory Grigoropoulos, P. Lalangas (Membership Chairman)

The presentation can be found below
Presentation-Revised ISO 15016_Athens_091014.pdf

And the final draft of the new ISO standard, can be found here: ISO15016-2ndDIS_141003.pdf