
SNAME and OTC: Distinguished Past, Bright Future!

By Martin Toyen posted 04-12-2018 09:43 AM


In 2018, SNAME and OTC are marking two remarkable milestones. The Offshore Technology Conference celebrates its 50th year as the largest global event for the oil and gas sector, while SNAME commemorates 125 years as THE International Community for Maritime and Ocean Professionals! 

From Houston, TX, the epicenter of offshore extraction and production in the United States, OTC showcases the world-wide marketplace of cutting-edge technology.  They anticipate over 350 peer-selected technical presentations, leveraging 13 societies’ collective knowledge and covering topics from the wellbore to topsides and everything in between. SNAME has been an important part of the Conference throughout its development and will continue to play a vital role as OTC continues to grow and prosper. 

Advances in the way that OTC attendees and their companies work have been both incremental and exponential. Driven by commercial demands, academic research, and scientific advancements, the industry progresses by both small steady steps and also in giant leaps. Likewise, SNAME draws on the strength of its diverse member base and its engagement in all areas of offshore endeavors, to serve as a vital repository of technical knowledge that helps drive us all forward. Together, we are excited to participate in the OTC exhibit space which will feature ground-breaking innovations and over 2,000 leading providers of products and services. We will join with our fellow professional societies to network with the 70,000+ energy professionals from 100+ countries who are expected to attend.

As partners in the OTC consortium of organizations, the hard working and gifted members who comprise SNAME share much of that information with Conference attendees. SNAME members have access to the vast pool of accumulated journals, papers, and presentations that serve as a critical launch pad for important work in the years ahead. And what a thrilling time to be in the industry!

At our own upcoming conference, the SNAME Maritime Convention, we will also take a dive into the future. Autonomous ships, 3D printing, IT Security. OTC is a wonderful lead-in to the terrific program SMC 2018 has in store. 

As Society President, I am looking forward to attending OTC myself, along with SNAME Executive Director Gene Sanders, and numerous other Society members. We congratulate the Offshore Technology Conference on their success and look forward to the next 50 years!


