An Investigation Into the Capabilities of Viscous CFD in Ship Aerdoynamic Predictions

When:  May 13, 2021 from 09:00 PM to 10:30 PM (EET)
Please note - Registration will close on Wednesday, May 12, 2021.  A link to join the webinar will be emailed to you on Thursday, May 13, 2021.

An Investigation Into the Capabilities of Viscous CFD in Ship Aerdoynamic Predictions Presented by the SNAME Turkey Community

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has a broad range of applicability potential for tackling aerodynamic problems associated with ships and marine vehicles. This presentation focuses on the utilization of viscous CFD for vast majority of aerodynamic cases that may be encountered during the design process of ships. The accuracy, required computational effort, recent developments and limitations of the method will be evaluated for cases with different levels of sophistication such as force quantification, superstructure streamlining, comfort analysis, exhaust gas assessment, self-noise assessment, time-dependent wake predictions for helicopter landing simulations and wind assisted ship propulsion.



Dr. Ziya Saydam has graduated in Ocean Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. He has worked in mega-yacht design and construction for 6 years. He has completed his MSc in Maritime Engineering Science at University of Southampton and PhD in Naval Architecture at Istanbul Technical University. He has been holding the position of General Manager at Hidroteknik Nautical Design Technologies Ltd. since 2011 and is a member of the Faculty of Engineering at Piri Reis University since 2013. His industrial expertise and research interests are focused on high performance craft design, experimental and computational hydrodynamics & aerodynamics, ship scale testing, energy efficiency, noise and vibration assessment of ships.

Pricing Information

Registration Price
Member $0.00
Non-member $25.00
SNAME Donation $10.00