One of the ways the Society can recognize the accomplishments of its distinguished members properly is by making appropriate awards. The size and geographic dispersion of the current membership makes this a difficult task for the Society’s Awards Committee. Sections should form a local Awards Committee comprised of three or more Section Members who have had relatively long and active association with one or more Sections to assist the Society’s Awards Committee in nominating potential candidates for the Society’s awards:
The David W. Taylor Medal
The Vice Admiral “Jerry” Land Medal
The Davidson Medal
The ABS-Linnard Prize
The Webb Medal
The Blakely Smith Medal
The Vice Admiral E.L. Cochrane Award
The Student Paper Awards
The Distinguished Service Awards
Certificates of Appreciation
The Elmer L. Hahn Award
The William M. Kennedy Award
Other such awards as may be established by the Society.
The qualifications for each of the awards are provided in the Society’s Membership Directory and Information Book, which is now published electronically and available via the SNAME home page. The membership database is updated daily and converted to a PDF monthly to insure the most up-to-date information for members. The Committee might consist of the Section Chair, in addition to other members, and should be comprised of members who are willing and able to serve the committee for an extended time period. Selection of the Section Awards Committee is made by the Section Executive Committee, and the identity of the Committee Members is to be sent to Headquarters with the names of Section Officers and special representative committee members.
The Section Awards Committee might also be given the responsibility for proposing names for the membership grade of Fellow of the Society, the requirements for which are described in the instructions and form “Nomination for Fellow” available on the SNAME website. The grade of Fellow is the highest professional grade in the Society. Nominations made to the Society’s Fellows Committee must be detailed and complete. Nomination for Fellow may be made at any time during the year to Headquarters, as the Committee meets bi-monthly. The Section Awards Committee normally selects nominees for awards or for the grade of Fellow from the local