Deep C Wind
DeepCWind is a project whose scope is to test prototype models to develop open source data for Maine-based companies to use for construction of full scale wind turbines for deep sea applications. DeepC has constructed 1:50th and 1:130th scale models for initial wave tank and wind tunnel tests to develop data for the device. Although the boundary layer will not scale properly for full size turbines, the main objectives are still preserved in that most of the important parameters are observable or scalable. The overall project is a cooperation between Maine industry and education to improve the overall feasibility of devices which Maine companies can develop and deploy to create green energy jobs for the state. A scale model will soon be deployed in coastal waters to observe the interaction between the device and it’s environment. Several student SNAME members have and continue to conduct Capstone research with DeepCWind.
Wind Test Tunnel Modeled in Solid Works

Proposed Turbine Models