Anthony Nigro received a B.E. in Marine Engineering and a Third Assistant Engineer U.S.C.G. license from the State University of New York Maritime College, Bronx, NY in 1991 and holds a M.S. in Marine Engineering from the USMMA, Kings Point, NY. Anthony sailed as Third, Second, First and Chief Engineer aboard numerous Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association (M.E.B.A.) contracted vessels. Prior to retiring in 2012, he was the permanent Chief Engineer of the MV Maersk Kentucky, a 56,800 horsepower container vessel, employed by Maersk Line Limited, Norfolk, VA. During his over 20-year career at sea, he contributed in Somalia Operation Restore Hope and Operation Iraqi Freedom and earned the Merchant Marine Expeditionary Award. He holds a USCG Chief Engineer license of Steam, Motor and Gas Turbine Vessels, Unlimited horsepower and an STCW 2010 credential. Anthony is presently employed as a tenured Professor of Marine Engineering and Director of the Graduate Program at the USMMA in Kings Point, NY. He has the unique privilege of educating and training young men and women for careers in the Maritime Industry and serves as the faculty advisor for SNAME. His subject areas are lower and upper division engineering courses, including: Introduction to Marine Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines, Marine Steam Plants and Components, Marine Plant Automation and Controls, Engine Resource Management, Strength of Materials, Materials Engineering Laboratory and Chemistry for Marine Engineers. He has been an active member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, NY Metropolitan Section.