

The Apprentice School Student Section of
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Organization approved by the Executive committee of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers on the date of May 2005.


(The Name of the Student Section)

The name of the section shall be The Apprentice School Student Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.


(The Mandate of the Student Section)

The mandate of the Student Section shall be:

•    To sponsor meetings between students of The Apprentice School and members of the maritime industry.
•    To arrange conferences of a technical nature for students of The Apprentice School and members of the Hampton Roads area maritime community.
•    To organize improvement seminars for students of The Apprentice School and members of the Hampton Roads area maritime community.
•    To support the participation of the students of the The Apprentice School in the regular activities of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
•    To support the diffusion of information related to employment opportunities, training courses in related fields, or opportunities for career advancement.
•    To expand the horizons of other Student Sections with respect to ship design and production techniques.
•    To foster the leadership qualities of the members of the Student Section.
•    To adhere to, and to advance the values, principals, and strategies of the Newport News Shipbuilding, of which The Apprentice School is governed by.     
•    To make known The Apprentice School, its students, and the achievements of the institution.


(Sponsoring Section)

The Apprentice School Student Section will be sponsored by the Hampton Roads Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.


(Liaison Officer)

A liaison officer will be designated by the Sponsoring Section and will ensure continuing communication with the Student Section and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.


(Executive Committee)

The executive committee shall be composed of the following officers; a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Treasurer/Secretary, Communications Chair, and Electronic Media Chair. A Student Section Advisor shall also hold a seat on the executive council. All members of the executive committee shall be members in good standing of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Each member of the executive committee, excluding the Student Section Advisor, shall serve a term of one year.  No elected member of the executive council shall be eligible to run for the same office for no more than two consecutive active years.  The executive committee shall have responsibility for the general affairs and activities of the Student Section. 


(Annual Meeting)

An annual meeting of the members of the Student Section shall be held in the month of March**, for the purposes of electing the officers of the executive committee, excluding the Student Section Advisor.  The outgoing and incoming officers will run the chapter jointly until June 1st when the newly elected officers will take control.  The Student Section Advisor shall be appointed by, and serve at the discretion of The Apprentice School. Any member, in good standing*, of the Student Section, shall be eligible to vote in the election of the executive committee.  Any member, in good standing, of the Student Section, and an active student at The Apprentice School at the time of the election, shall be eligible to seek office on the Executive Committee.  
* A member in good standing is defined as a member that is actively participating by coming to at least one quarter of the meetings and/or events for the year and participating on one of the committees.


(Duties of the Executive Committee)

The duties of the Executive Officers shall be as described herein;

Chairperson: The Chair shall represent the Student Section to the Hampton Roads Section Executive Council.  The Chair is the leader of the Student Section.  The Chair is responsible for ensuring the Student Section is effective and is to follow up with the officers on current initiatives and projects.  The Chair is also responsible for organizing meetings and creating agendas with the assistance from the Student Section officers.  The Chair, with the assistance of the Student Section officers and advisor, is to appoint committee chairs for current year.  The Chair is to delegate projects to the Student Section membership as needed.  The Chair is to communicate regularly with the Student Section Advisor prior to significant events.  The Chair shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees. In the event of a vacancy of any office of the executive committee, the Chair shall appoint a member of the student section to serve until the next regularly scheduled election.


Vice-Chairperson: In the absences of the Chairperson, the duties of the Chairperson shall be performed by the Vice-Chairperson. The Vice-Chair shall represent the Student Section to the Hampton Roads Section Executive Council in the event the Chair is unable to do so.  Duties include acting as assistant, as needed, to all Student Section officers.  Additionally, the Vice-Chair will serve as the Boat Design Competition Team Lead.

The Vice-Chair, along with the Secretary, shall be the keeper of section information and is responsible for maintaining a list, containing contact information for all student section members.  The Vice-Chair will work with SNAME headquarters staff to make sure the Student Section Plan and Progress report is filed in September and January to maintain current membership lists, and to help ensure that section membership rosters match those at SNAME headquarters.  The Vice-Chair will also work to ensure that all Student Section memberships are current.  The Vice-Chair will ensure that updates to membership to help maintain a current list of graduates with new locations and employment are filed with SNAME headquarters in December and April.  In order to complete the mentioned tasks, the Vice-Chair and Secretary are to work closely with staff at SNAME headquarters in order to maintain the correct membership information.  If the office of the Chairperson becomes vacant the Vice-Chairperson shall succeed to the office of Chairperson.  In this case, the roles of Boat Design Competition lead may be modified, if necessary.


Secretary: The Secretary shall record events of each meeting, and prepare a monthly summary of section correspondence to be placed on the Student Section folder for information and reference.  The Secretary shall work directly with the Vice-Chair to facilitate the duties listed above in the Vice-Chair description.

The Secretary shall also maintain a list of possible speakers/topics and events of interest for the Student Section meetings in an effort to increase student participation.  If the offices of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson become vacant concurrently, the Secretary shall succeed the Chairperson.


Treasurer:  The Treasure shall keep track of all Student Section funds monies.  The disbursement of funds must be approved by the Chairperson and/or Student Section Advisor, and all disbursements can only be used to support the activities of the Student Section.  A financial status report is to be presented at each executive council meeting.

The Treasurer shall also be required to assist the fundraising committee with development of their fundraising and continuing efforts to better the Student Section.  Treasurer shall fill out the Student Section Annual Budget Form and Request for Funding from SNAME. The budget shall be submitted to the Chairperson for approval.


Communications Chair:  The Communications Chair shall be responsible for ensuring distribution of Student Section correspondence to all members.  The Communications Chair shall be responsible for assisting with the development of Student Papers to be presented at the Annual Meeting.

The Communications Chair shall also be responsible for compiling all officer input and creation of the newsletter.  The newsletter is to be distributed quarterly or as required.  The newsletter may be distributed via the Student Section web site.  The newsletter is to be done in Microsoft PowerPoint to facilitate passing of the newsletter to the new Communications Chair each year.  If the offices of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer become vacant concurrently, the Communications Chair shall succeed the Chairperson.


Boat Design Competition Team Lead:  The Boat Design Competition Team Lead  will be responsible for reporting the current status of the Design Competition at the Executive Council Meetings.


Student Section Advisor: The Student Section Advisor shall be responsible for the proper operation of the Student Section in accordance with the Bylaws, policy and guidance of the Society and the sponsoring Section. The Student Section Advisor shall be responsible for maintaining the technical and professional excellence of the Student Section and its activities, as well as other duties as set forth by The Apprentice School.   


Each officer of the Executive Council shall plan/organize and supervise two events during the year.

Acting as a team lead for the High School Boat Design Competition will act as one event.


(Membership Eligibility)

Membership eligibility in the Student Section shall be as described herein;
Any current student of The Apprentice School, in good standing, shall be considered an associate member of the Student Section. An associate member of the Student Section shall be eligible to attend Student Section meetings, join committees, and attend non-corporate sponsored functions of the Student Section, but shall not have any voting privileges during the annual meeting. Any current student or graduate, no more than 5 years removed (continuing to further their education), of The Apprentice School, in good standing shall be eligible for full membership in The Apprentice School Student Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 



In regards to meetings, the Student Section shall respect the provisions of the present Bylaws, as well as the rules and practices of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. The quorum for meetings of the Student Section shall be fifty (50) percent of the Section membership. The quorum for the executive committee meetings shall be three members present. The annual meeting shall be held in the month of March* of each year and be held in the city of Newport News, Virginia.  


(Order of Business)

The order of business for the meetings of the Student Section and of the executive council shall be as follows:

•    Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
•    Treasure’s Report
•    Special announcements
•    Committee reports
•    Stated business
•    New business
•    Lecture or reading of papers
•    Adjournment

The executive council shall retain the authority to deviate from the order of business as it deems necessary.


(Parliamentary Rules)

The governing authority on all parliamentary rules not provided in these By-laws shall be the latest edition of Roberts’ “Rules of Order.”


(Establishment of Committees)

The executive committee shall have the prerogative to establish special working committees as it deems necessary. The executive committee shall also retain the prerogative to disband a working committee if it no longer deems the committee necessary. These special working committees shall be staffed from the members of the Student Section and may include professional members of the maritime industry. The working committees shall be advisory in nature and subordinate to the executive committee. The Chairperson of the executive committee shall appoint a chairperson for each working committee.


(Amendments to the By Laws)

Amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee. The amendments shall be brought to the attention of the members by the Secretary in the notice for the next scheduled general membership assembly, at which time the amendment will come before the Section for discussion and action. A two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor of the amendment by the members present shall suffice for its adoption.  The proposed amendment is subject to approval by the Liaison Officer and the Society Section Committee Chairman. All members wishing to submit an amendment to the Bylaws must do so in writing to the Secretary of the Executive Committee. A written notice proposing these amendments will have to be provided thirty (30) days prior to the assembly.


(Bill of Exchange)

Any bill of exchange involving the Student Section must obligatorily hold the signature of the Faculty Advisor and one (1) signature among these Three (3): Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, or Secretary/Treasurer.


(Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year for The Apprentice School Student Section of Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers shall begin on September 1 and end August 31 of the following year.