
What's New:

2024 John W Davies Memorial Award  Winner: Fanny Dupont
    This annual award is conferred upon one full-time graduate student at a Canadian university, whose research will assist in providing solutions to problems encountered in marine cold regions
>> Past award recipients >>

>> Award Information >>  

Arctic Section (AS) Technical Meetings
These monthly meetings are held monthly
from January to May/June and September to December. They are usually on a Wednesday. 
(1) Events hosted via the Arctic Section's Zoom also offer social time in addition to a guest presenter. Register:  RSVP to Secretariat
(2) Events hosted through SNAME headquarters on GoTo Webinar are free to all SNAME members (fee for non-members). Generally these run the week following our AS Zoom and feature the same guest speaker. Register: EVENTS

Arctic Section Events
Email the Secretariat to join our  confidential email distribution list and receive updates on future Arctic Section activities. Visit the ICETECH website for past conference archives.

 SNAME Arctic Section  -  December 8, 2024 Updates: 
2024 John W Davies Memorial Scholarship Award Winner
Fanny Dupont, PhD candidate
Fanny Dupont is a PhD candidate in statistics at the University of British Columbia, in cooperation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Fanny's research focuses on modeling the potential impacts of vessels on narwhal behaviour in the Arctic, using advanced statistical techniques and high-resolution tracking data. The findings will be used to inform mitigation strategies, such as vessel slowdown policies and shipping lane adjustments.
Technical Meetings
~ Final 2024 date is listed below. Virtual technical meetings take place monthly (usually September through May/June). 2025 dates TBA.
 - Final Winter 2024 date

Wednesday, December 11 - Unfortunately, this Zoom event has been cancelled.


Check back for our 2025 dates -- Register via email secretariat@icetech22.org 

Join early (from 11:30am MT onwards). Presentation to start 12:00pm MT followed by discussion.


 Registration for specific events will be via HQ EVENTS


Summer break: July -August

General schedule: Arctic Section Zoom on 3rd Wednesdays of each month - register via Secretariat and/or on 4th Wednesday via SNAME Headquarters -  register via HQ EVENTS
Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and events.
Most guest speaker presentations to start at approx 12:00 pm MT, followed by Q&A/discussion
See Archives for many presentations back to 2004.

Contact us if you wish to attend or receive information on future Arctic Section events.                          

Please contact us if you or a colleague are interested in presenting at an Arctic Section technical meeting. Invitations are sent by email to our contact list in advance of our events.

About the SNAME Arctic Section Technical Luncheon Meetings:  
We maintain our monthly luncheon schedule from September through May/June, usually meeting on the third Wednesday of the month. (Our summer break runs June/July to August). Presentations cover a large variety of topics, including marine, Arctic, logistics, scientific research, ice monitoring, ice management, and more. Program development is ongoing for future Luncheon Meetings. Please contact us if you or a colleague are interested in presenting at a future  meeting.
Invitations are sent by email to our contact list in advance of each event. Contact us if you wish to attend or receive information on future Arctic Section events.  
We look forward to in-person gatherings in the future. The Westin Hotel in Calgary has long been our venue for in-person luncheon meetings.        
In-Person Meeting Memories... 
December 18, 2019 George Kwan, November 20, 2019 2019-Nov20-MCDV-George_and_his_wife.jpg
Stuart Russell generated lively discussion around the two Denny Ranson films: Freighter to the Frontiers and High Arctic Challenge, both films showcased the PWA Hercules aircraft operating in the Arctic. (December 19, 2019) George H.H. Kwan presented Naval Architect Over Half Century. (November 20, 2019). 1980s photo: the final of 12 MCDVs, with George and his wife in foreground (circa 1980!)
  In 2014, Dan Masterson was inducted as a SNAME Fellow. Bill Maddock and Peter Noble (then SNAME President) with Dan on December 1, 2014.
    On March 20, 2019, Dan introduced his book, The Story of Arctic Offshore Engineering, which is an overview of his career and ice engineering over 45 years. The book is available via Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Dr Hester Jiskoot, Associate Professor of Physical Geography and Glaciology, and Director of the Glaciology & Geoscience Laboratory from the University of Lethbridge, presented:  Dutch Whale of a Tale: Arctic navigation, weather and sea ice in 1710. The Arctic Section's longtime Speakers Chair, Alex Brovkin, is also pictured. (May 20, 2015) Frank Bercha received the Arctic Section's thank you from Merv Edgecombe (centre, past Section Chair), and Azmy Aboulazm (right, then Section Chair). (April 15, 2015)
Arctic Section History  and more...  
sname-prop.jpg  History-RS.F.63.jpg
>> The SNAME Propeller >> >> In Memoriam >>  >> History >>

SNAME's mission is to advance the art, science and practice of naval architecture, marine engineering, ocean engineering and other marine-related professions Its Arctic Section is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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