Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section
of the
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
The organization of this Section was approved by Executive Committee on September 21, 1960.
The name of this Section shall be “The Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.”
The officers shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
This Section shall include the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Kansas, Tennessee and West Virginia and that portion of the State of New York which borders the Great Lakes, and that portion of the State of Pennsylvania which borders the Great Lakes and Ohio River.
All members of every grade of the Society residing in, or maintaining their principal mailing (residence or business) address in, the territory of this Section shall be members of this Section. Society members who are not members of the Section by virtue of residency may participate in the program and activities of the Section, but they will not be carried on the Section membership rolls, and they shall not be entitled to vote in the election of Officers or on other matters.
Section 1. The provisions of the Bylaws and the rules of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and the practices of the Society with respect of the professional sessions for discussions of papers shall govern the procedures of the Section. The quorum for meetings shall be 15 members present. The annual meeting of this Section shall be the first meeting in the calendar year and is to be held prior to May 1.
Section 2. The papers presented at the meetings are to be submitted to The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers for review and consideration for inclusion in the Society’s publications.
Section 1 - Executive. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary-Treasurer, the last retiring Chairperson, the Chairperson of the Papers Committee, the Chairperson of the Meetings Committee, the Chairperson of the Membership Committee, the Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee, the Chairperson of the Awards Committee, the Technical and Research Representative, the Chairperson of each Student Section affiliated with the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, and three (3) elected members. The elected members of the Executive Committee shall each serve for a period of three (3) years. They shall be so elected that there will be one (1) retirement each year. The Executive Committee shall have general charge of the affairs of the Section. Each affiliated student section shall elect its Executive Committee member, and fill its vacancies, as prescribed by its by-laws. The Student Section representatives to the Executive Committee shall not be entitled to vote.Section 2 – The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancies occurring in the offices and in its own body until the next annual election. The Executive Committee shall appoint one Student Section liaison member for each affiliated student section
Section 3 – Papers The Papers Committee shall be responsible for arranging suitable papers for presentation at meetings of the Section. Arrangements for meetings with other technical societies shall be under the joint cognizance of this committee and the Meetings Committee subject to approval of the Executive Committee. The Chairperson is appointed by the Section Chairperson
Section 4 – Meetings The Meetings Committee shall be responsible for making all of the arrangements related to the Section meetings. The Chairperson of the Papers Committee shall be a member of this committee. The Chairperson is appointed by the Section Chairperson.
Section 5 – Public Relations The Public Relations Committee (or representative) shall be in charge of all publicity relating to the activities of the Section. The committee shall be governed by the policy of the Society. The Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee is appointed by the Section Chairperson.
Section 6 – Technical and Research The Technical and Research representative is appointed by the Section Chairperson to serve as a liaison between the Section membership and the Society’s Technical and Research Program.
Section 7 – Nominating The Nominating Committee shall present, at the meeting preceding the annual meeting, nominations for all elective offices. Members may nominate other candidates at the meeting. Copies of the nominating report shall be sent to members with the notice of the annual meeting. The election of officers shall take place or be reported at the annual meeting of the Section. The election shall be by voice vote or by letter ballot, if there is more than one nominee for any office. The result of the ballot shall be reported in the notice of the next meeting. The Nominating Committee membership is elected by the Section Executive Committee.
Section 8 – Audit The Audit Committee shall audit the accounts of the Section. The members of the Audit Committee and the chairperson are appointed by the Section Chairperson.
Section 9 – Membership The Membership Committee shall be responsible for obtaining qualified applicants for membership in the Society, according to the Society’s current rules for membership. The Chairperson of this Committee, appointed by the Section Chairperson, automatically is a member of the Society’s Membership Committee.
Section 10 – Representative to Society’s Sections Committee The Section Representative to the Society’s Sections Committee is the Section Chairperson or the designated alternate appointed by the President of the Society and serves as the coordinator of this local Section with other Sections and with Society Headquarters.
Section 11 – Awards The Awards Committee is appointed by the Section Executive Committee to make recommendations to the Executive committee for Society awards and promotion to the membership grade of Fellow. Recommendations approved by the Section Executive Committee shall be forwarded to the Society Awards Committee and the Committee on Fellows respectively. Recommendations for Section awards are to be forwarded to the Section Executive Committee for action.
Section 12 – Librarian The Section Librarian, appointed by the Section Chairperson with the consent of the Executive Committee, shall maintain the papers of the Section and shall provide the Treasurer with an annual report summarizing the library’s finances, if any.
Section 1 – Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Section and of the Executive Committee and be responsible for planning and supervising the program and activities of the Section. He/She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2 – Vice-Chairpersons In the absence of the Chairperson at a section meeting, the duties of the Chairperson shall be performed by the Vice-Chairperson, as appointed by the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the Executive Committee shall elect one of its members to act as the Chairperson.
Section 3 – Secretary-Treasurer The Secretary-Treasurer shall have general responsibility for the correspondence of the Section and shall take the minutes of all meetings of the Section and of the Executive Committee. He/she shall also have charge of the records and accounts of the Section and the collection and disbursement of funds. The disbursement of funds must be as approved by the Chairperson. A budget shall be prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer covering all Project Income expenses for each fiscal year.
The terms of the offices and members of the Executive Committee shall be as follows, unless removed for cause:
Chairperson two years
Vice-Chairperson two years
Secretary-Treasurer two years
Members of Executive Committee three years
Except for elections to fill unexpired terms, all terms of office shall begin on September 1 following election. One member of the Executive Committee of the Section shall be elected each year such that the terms of office are staggered to maintain continuity. With the exception of the Chairperson, the remaining officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election to succeed themselves at the end of any term. Terms of office of officers of each affiliated student section shall be as prescribed by its by-laws.
The governing authority on all parliamentary rules provided for in these Bylaws should be the latest edition of Roberts’ “Rules of Order.”
(a) Reading of the Minutes of previous meetings
(b) Special announcements
(c) Committee reports
(d) Stated business
(e) New business
(f) Reading of papers
(g) Adjournment
Amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented at a regular meeting of the Section by the Executive Committee. The amendments shall be brought to the attention of the membership by the Secretary in the notice for the next regular meeting, at which time the amendment will come before the Section for discussion and action. A three-fourths vote in favor of the amendment by the members in good standing present at the meeting shall be necessary for its adoption. The amendment is subject to approval by the Society. A member in good standing is one who has paid his dues to the Society in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society. Any member may suggest to the Executive Committee proposed amendments to the Bylaws by submitting the same in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section. Amendments proposed by ten (10) or more members of the Section may be voted on at the Annual Meeting of the Section, provided notice in writing of such proposed amendment has been mailed to the membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to such meetings.
The fiscal year for the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers shall commence on September 1 and terminate on August 31 next following.
The Section may sponsor one or more Student Sections if petitioned by any accredited institutions maintained on the approved list of the Society and located within the Section boundaries. The section will assume responsibility for the proper operation of each Student Section sponsored by it.
History of By-Law Changes
Note 1 - Article I revised from “The name of this Section shall be The Great Lakes Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers” to read as presently stated in Article I - Approved by Executive Committee September 21, 1960.
Note 2 - Article II revised from “The Section shall include the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio and that portion of the states of Pennsylvania and New York which border the Great Lakes” to read as presently stated in Article II - Approved by Executive Committee of the Society September 21, 1960.
Note 3 - Article III first sentence revised from “The officers shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer” to read as presently stated in Article III, to be submitted to Section for approval October 11, 1973.
Note 4 - Article IV, last sentence revised from “The annual meeting of this Section shall be the first meeting of the calendar year” to read “The annual meeting of this Section shall be the last meeting of the calendar year.” Approved by the Executive Committee of the Society May 20, 1958.
Article VI, last sentence revised from “The annual meeting of this Section shall be the last meeting of the calendar year” to read as presently stated in Article IV. Approved by the Executive Committee of the Society May 7, 1967.
Note 5 - Article VII Section 8, fifth and following sentences revised from “The purpose of this committee shall be to encourage participation in the technical portions of the Society’s annual and spring meetings by members of the Great Lakes Section. This committee shall determine if, in their opinion, there are any subjects which are appropriate for a technical paper at the annual or spring meeting of the Society, and report accordingly, to the Chairman of the Section at the meeting of the Great Lakes Section which precedes the annual meeting of the Society,” to read as presently stated in Article VII. Approved by Executive Committee of the Society September 21, 1960 by virtue of their approval of the name change in Article I. (See Note 1.)
Note 6 - Article VIII Duties of Officers Section sixth sentence and following revised from “A budget shall be prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer covering all estimated expenses for each fiscal year, ending September 30. After approval by the Chairman of the Section, it shall be submitted to the Treasurer of the Society not later than September 1" to read as presently stated in Article VIII. Approved by the Section May 17, 1973. Submitted to the Executive Committee of the society for approval August 10, 1973.
Sentence 5 and 6 revised from “The budget approved by the Council shall be the maximum amount which the Great Lakes Section may spend in the fiscal year from funds made available to the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer shall make reports as called for by the Treasurer of the Society accounting in detail for all expenditures made on behalf of the Great Lakes Section” to read as presently stated in Article VIII. Approved by the Executive Committee of the Society September 21, 1960 by virtue of their approval of the name change in Article I. (See Note 1.)
Note 7 - Article IX - List of officers revised from
Chairman One Year
Vice-Chairman, Great Lakes One Year
Vice Chairman, Great Rivers One Year
Secretary-Treasurer One Year
Subject to Re-Election
Elected Members of Executive Committee Three Years
To read as presently stated in Article IX. To be submitted to Section for approval October 11, 1973.
Article IX, second sentence revised from “Except for elections to fill unexpired terms, all terms of office shall begin on May 1 following election” to read as presently stated in Article IX. Approved by Section May 17, 1973. Submitted to Executive Committee of the society for approval August 10, 1973.
Article IX, third sentence revised from “Officers and members of the Executive Committee, except for the Secretary-Treasurer, shall not be eligible for re-election to succeed themselves to read as presently written in Article IX. To be submitted to Section for approval October 11, 1973.
Note 8 - Article III revised from “The officers shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman - Great Lakes, Vice Chairman - Great Rivers, and a Secretary-Treasurer” to read as presently stated in Article III.
Article IV revised from “All members of every grade of the Society residing in the territory of this Section shall be members of this Section. Those residing outside the boundaries of this Section and not within the boundaries of another Local Section may, by approval of the Executive Committee, become members of this Section” to read as presently stated in Article IV.
Article V removed with content “No members of the Society who is a member of any other section of the Society shall be entitled to vote or to hold office in this Section” being revised and included in the second sentence of Article IV.
Article VI removed with content “Section 1 - Meetings. All meetings of this Section shall be arranged by the Meetings Committee. The provisions of the Constitution and By- Laws and Rules of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and the precedents of the Society with respect to professional sessions for discussion of papers shall govern the procedure of this Section. The quorum for meetings shall be fifteen (15) members present. The annual meeting of this Section shall be the first meeting in the calendar year and must be held prior to May 1. Section 2 - Papers. The papers read at the meetings may be submitted to The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers for consideration by the Papers Committee of the Society as material for the Transactions of the Society” being revised and included in Article IV, Sections 1 and 2, and in Article V, Section 4.
Article VII revised from the following:
Section 1 - Executive. “The executive Committee shall be composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, the last retiring Chairman, the last retiring Vice-Chairman, the Chairman of the Papers Committee, the Chairman of the Meetings Committee, the Chairman of each student section affiliated with the Great Lakes - Great Rivers Section, and three (3) elected members. The elected members of the Executive Committee shall serve for a period of three (3) years. They shall be so elected that there will be one (1) retirement each year. The Executive Committee shall have general charge of the affairs of the Section. The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancies occurring in the offices, and in its own body, until the next annual election. Each affiliated student section shall elect its executive committee member, and fill its vacancies, as prescribed by its by-laws” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 1.
Section 2 - Papers. “The Papers Committee shall have charge of arranging for suitable papers for presentation at meetings of the Section. Arrangements for meetings with other technical societies shall be under the joint cognizance of this Committee and the Meetings Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of this Section. The Chairman of the Meetings Committee shall be a member of the Papers Committee” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 3.
Section 3 - Meetings. “The Meetings Committee shall have charge of arranging for the time, the place, and the details of the meetings. The Chairman of the Papers Committee shall be a member of the Meetings Committee” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 4.
Section 4 - Public Relations. “The Public Relations Committee shall be in charge of all publicity relating to the activities of the Section. The Committee shall be governed by the policy of the Society” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 5.
Section 5 - Nominating. “The Nominating Committee shall present their report at the meeting preceding the annual meeting nominations for all elective offices. Members may nominate other candidates at this meeting. A list of nominations shall be sent to members with the notice of the annual meeting. The election shall be by ballot, if there be more than one nominee for any office. The election of officers shall take place or be reported at the annual meeting. The result of the ballot shall also be reported in the notice of the next meeting following the annual meeting. Each affiliated student section shall nominate and elect its officers as prescribed by its by-laws” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 7.
Section 6 - Auditing. “The Auditing Committee shall audit the accounts of the Section Annually” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 8.
Section 7 - Membership. “The Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Society on the joint recommendation of the Chairman of the Society’s Membership Committee, and the members thereof shall also be members of the Society’s Membership Committee. The Membership Committee of the Section shall be charged with the duty of obtaining desirable applicants for membership in the various classes of Members, Associate Member, Student Members, and the Affiliates in the Society. All applications shall be forwarded to the Society for consideration by the Applications Committee” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 9.
Section 8 – Annual and Spring Meeting Participation. “A committee shall be established composed of the last retiring Chairman, who shall be Chairman of the Committee; the incumbent Chairman of the Papers Committee; and a third member to be selected by the Chairman of the Section. The purpose of this Committee shall be to encourage participation in the technical portions of the Society’s annual and spring meetings by members of the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section. This Committee shall determine if, in their opinion, there are any subjects which are appropriate for a technical paper at the annual or spring meeting of the Society, and report accordingly, to the Chairman of the Section at the meeting of the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section which precedes the annual meeting of the Society. The Chairman of the Section shall then transmit the committee’s recommendations to the Secretary of the Society prior to the annual meeting. It also shall be the responsibility of this Committee to review the paper that are to be presented at the annual and spring meetings of the Society, and, if, in their opinion, there are members of the Great Lakes Section who are qualified to discuss these papers, so recommend to the Chairman of the Section for transmittal to the Secretary of the Society” to read as presently stated in Article V Section 10.
Article VIII revised from the following:
Section 1 - Chairman. “The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Section and of the Executive Committee. He shall appoint all committees except the Executive Committee and the Membership Committee. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He shall report to the Council of the Society through the Chairman of the Local Sections Committee of the Society” to read as presently stated in Article VI Section 1.
Section 2 - Vice-Chairman. “In the absence of the Chairman, the duties of the Chairman shall be performed by the Vice-Chairman. Members of the Section present at any meeting many, in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, elect a temporary chairman to preside at this meeting” to read as presently stated in Article VI Section 2.
Section 3 - Secretary-Treasurer. “The Secretary-Treasurer shall have general charge of the correspondence of the Section and shall take the minutes of all meetings of the Section, and of the Executive Committee. He shall also have charge of the records and accounts of the Section and the collection and disbursement of funds. The disbursement of funds must be as approved by the Chairman. A budget shall be prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer covering all estimated expenses for each fiscal year, ending August 31 for approval by the Chairman of the Section. Budget expenditures from funds received from the Society shall not exceed that portion of the national funds allocated to the Section by the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer shall make reports as called for the Treasurer of the Society, accounting in detail for all expenditures made on behalf of the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section” to read as presently stated in Article VI Section 3.
Article IX, revised from “The terms of office for the officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be as follows, unless removed for cause:
Chairman One Year
Vice-Chairman, Great Lakes One Year
Vice Chairman, Great Rivers One Year
Secretary-Treasurer Two Years
Elected Members of Executive Committee Three Years
Except for elections to fill unexpired terms, all terms of office shall begin on September 1 following election. The Chairman, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will be eligible for re-election to succeed himself for one additional term only. The remaining officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election to succeed themselves at the end of any term. Terms of office of officers of each affiliated student section shall be as prescribed by its by-laws” to read as presently stated in Article VII.
Article X replaced unchanged with Article VIII.
Article XI replaced unchanged with Article IX.
Article XII revised from “Amendments to these By-Laws shall be presented by the Executive Committee at a regular meeting of the Section. The amendments suggested by the Executive Committee shall be brought to the attention of the membership by the Secretary-Treasurer in the notice for the next regular meeting, at which time the amendment will come before the Section for discussion and action. A three-fourths vote of the members in good standing present at that meeting in favor of the amendment, shall be necessary for its adoption, but the amendment shall not become operative until it is approved by the Council or the Executive Committee of the Society. A member in good standing is one who has paid his dues to the Society in accordance with the By-Laws of the Society.
Any member may suggest to the Executive Committee proposed amendments to the By-Laws by submitting them in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section. Amendments proposed by ten (10) or more members of the Section must be voted on at the annual meeting of the Section, provided notice in writing of such proposed amendment has been mailed to the membership not less than ten (10) days prior to such meeting by the Secretary-Treasurer or said members proposing it” to read as presently stated in Article X
Added new sections 2, 6, and 11 to present Article V.
Added new section 4 to present Article VI.
Added present Article XI.
Added present Article XII.
Note 9 - October, 2022: Several changes were made with this update:
1. Significant formatting changes were made to improve the look and ease of review; as well as to document the date of the current version of the By-Laws. Examples of changes were to add bold formatting, include a header and footer, added page numbering, etc.
2. Changes to some text was made to make the By-Laws “politically correct, by today’s standards.
3. Articles II and III were reversed from previous versions to match the National template provided.
4. Minor changes to the verbiage in Article V, Section 8 and Section 9 to clarify who were members, and who had authority to make appointments.
5. Article VI, Section 4 was transferred to Article V, Section 12; as the Section Librarian is not considered an officer of the Section. Also, appointment by the Section Chairperson with the consent of the Executive Committee was added.
6. Article VII was modified to remove verbiage erroneously (we believe!) left from a previous modification to the By-Laws. When the Charipersons term was extended to two years, the clause allowing them to succeed themselves should have been removed.
7. The NOTES page was moved to an “Addendum”, and updated for the most recent changes.
Note 10
1. Articles II, V, VI and VII revised to combine Vice-Chairman, Great Lakes and Vice-Chairman, Great Rivers into a single Vice Chairman position.