Welcome to the Great Lakes / Great Rivers Section of theSociety of Naval Architects and Marine EngineersThe Great Lakes and Great Rivers Sections includes the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Kansas, Tennessee and West Virginia and that portion of the State of New York which borders the Great Lakes, and that portion of the State of Pennsylvania which borders the Great Lakes and Ohio River. If you wish to volunteer, contact one of the section officers listed here.
We have rescheduled the Winter Meeting to be April 2nd and 3rd at the Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel - Ohio . More information regarding the presentations and social activities will follow, but wanted to share the new dates as well as the hotel block information and the deadline.
March 3rd: Last day to book your hotel with the room block
April 2nd: Ice Breaker/Welcome Reception
April 3rd: Meeting
Book your group rate for SNAME [marriott.com]
The Great Lakes / Great Rivers Section Winter Meeting is going to be in April!
Stay tuned for updates, including an agenda.
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