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SNAME Executive Director Phillip B. Kimball Thanked for Service 

08-04-2010 02:18 PM

SNAME Executive Director Phillip B. Kimball Thanked for Service 12-year Executive Director - Retired June 30, 2010 The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers thanks Phil Kimball for his tireless service and many achievements during his 12 years as Executive Director. His final task of providing transitional support to new Executive Director Erik Seither concludes this month. “Over the many years I have known Phil he has shown himself to be a tireless, selfless, highly professional and very able manager,” said Executive Director Erik Seither. “This is evident in the many changes Phil has brought about at SNAME, including the complete revamp of our web presence. It is a pleasure to have Phil's support and guidance as we work through our transition. I wish Phil and his family the very best and I hope to work with Phil in what I am sure will be an active retirement.” Phil’s career began with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, soon to be followed by a Master’s Degree, from Stevens Institute of Technology. Following employment at Gibbs & Cox, Inc. and States Marine Lines through the late 1960’s, Phil joined C.R. Cushing & Company in 1970, rising to the post of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in 1986. In 1992 he assumed the role of Vice President at M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., leaving to become SNAME Executive Director in 1998. Phil’s career accomplishments as an Engineer and Naval Architect were noted by the SNAME Fellows Committee. “Mr. Kimball has had an outstanding career in the marine industry. His significant design experience speaks for itself.” Among several projects specifically noted in the Nomination for Fellow was his work designing, constructing, installing and testing a 20-ft container handling shipboard gantry crane and managing the design, contracts, and construction, of twelve 4,460 TEU container vessels. Such undertakings led to Phil being elected a Fellow of SNAME in 1997. SNAME’s accomplishments under Phil’s leadership as Executive Director of SNAME are also numerous, including: • Expansion of SNAME’s reach by forging 20 cooperative agreements with maritime societies around the world; • Development of as a robust platform for collaborative work and information sharing; • Revitalization of SNAME’s presence on college and university campuses through 28 Student Sections in North America and abroad; • Empowerment of SNAME’s SeaPerch program to bring hands-on learning to youth, including over 10,000 middle-school students; • Creation of (mt) magazine to replace Marine Technology and SNAME News; • Release of multiple new and revised Technical and Research Bulletins and Reports, books and reference texts by SNAME Publications. Beyond these points, Phil’s personal integrity and uncommon character continue to endear him to the members he served and the staff he led at headquarters. As he leaves the New York metropolitan area for his beautiful home in New Hampshire, all of SNAME joins in congratulating Phillip Baldwin Kimball for a job well done, and wishing him only the best in retirement. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers is an internationally recognized non-profit, technical, professional society of individual members serving the maritime and offshore industries and their suppliers. Founded in 1893, the Society comprises over 8,000 individuals throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. Membership is open to all qualified applicants in or associated with the maritime, offshore, and small craft industries

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09-20-2010 04:01 PM

Test comment by Mark Eichler Sept 20