2012-2013 Meetings

May 15, 2013 Meeting

A presentation by Brant Savander of Maritime Research Associates about Design and Analysis Methods for Resistance and Propulsion Systems.

This presentation was approved by SNAME HQ for 1 PDH for Professional Engineers.

Please see the meeting announcement for more details.

April 25, 2013 Meeting

A presentation by cadets of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Class Of 2013 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering on their senior design project, a Medium Response Cutter.

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

2013 SNAME Philadelphia Dinner Dance

The 62nd Annual Philadelphia SNAME Section Dinner/Dance Gala was held on Saturday, March 16th at the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel.

Please see the invitation for full details.

February 27, 2013 Meeting

A presentation by Mr. Kaare Klokk, of DNV New York about the DNV Quantum 9000 Container Ship Concept.

This was our annual Past Chair Night.

Please see the meeting announcement for more details.

January 16, 2013 Meeting

A presentation by Pete Lombard of American United Marine Corporation about Ballast Water Treatment Equipment.

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

December 13, 2012 Meeting

The Annual Multi-Society Dinner Meeting hosted by The Engineers' Club of Philadelphia.

The topic was The Making of the Philadelphia Flower Show by Sam Lemheney, Chief Designer and Coordinator, Philadelphia Flower Show. 

Please see the meeting flyer for more information.

November 14, 2012 Meeting

A presentation by Myles Hurwitz of the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program about CREATE: A New Approach For Reducing Weapon System Acquisition Time And Cost.

Also of interest may be this presentation describing set-based design.

Please see the meeting announcement for more details.

October 17, 2012 Meeting

A presentation by Alan Karpovitch, PE of NSWCCD-SSES about CG-47 class harvesting.

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

September 18, 2012 Meeting

Steven Ujifusa discussed his book A Man And His Ship about William Gibbs and his quest to build the SS United States.


Please see the meeting announcement for full details.