2013-2014 Meetings

May 14, 2014 Meeting

A joint meeting with the Philadelphia Post Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) for Navy Night aboard the Ben Franklin Yacht.

Special Guest Speaker: Captain Walter Coppeans, USN Commanding Officer, Naval Ships System Engineering Station, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division

Topic: Navy's Test and Evaluation Mission in Philadelphia

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

2014 SNAME Philadelphia Dinner Dance

The 63rd Annual Philadelphia SNAME Section Dinner/Dance Gala was held on Saturday, March 15th at the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel.

Please see the invitation for full details.

February 19, 2014 Meeting

A presentation by Dr. James G. Bretl, Senior Hydrodynamicist at Ocean Power Technologies about "Ocean Testing of a Power Capturing Wave Buoy."

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

January 15, 2014 Meeting

A presentation by Mario Vittone Director, Maritime Safety Systems, VLinc Corporation about the sinking of the Bounty.

Additionally, there are articles about the sinking and a timeline of events

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

December 9, 2013 Meeting

The Annual Multi-Society Dinner Meeting hosted by The Engineers' Club of Philadelphia.

A presentation about the US Open at Merion.

Please see the meeting flyer for more information.

October 16, 2013 Meeting

A tour of the Battleship New Jersey in Camden, NJ.

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.

September 25, 2013 Meeting

A presentation by Rik van Hemmen PE from Martin, Ottaway, van Hemmen & Dolan, Inc. about the differences between the maritime world and the shore world.

Please see the meeting announcement for full details.