This collection of relevant technical papers, covering on a broad range of topics relevant to the design of both passenger and vehicle ferries, and includes papers from the beginnings of SNAME in 1893 to today. Covering historic, practical and theoretical knowledge pertaining to the design of both passenger and vehicle ferries, it is a valuable compilation of technical information on a wide range of topics to increase the knowledge base of naval architects, marine engineers and designers in both operation and design, in the following topic areas: Air Cushion, Damage, Design, Environmental, Ferry Specific, Habitability, Hydrofoil, Maneuvering, Operations, Performance, Propulsion, Safety, Seakeeping, Stability, Structures, SWATH, Systems, Vibration, Waterjet, and Welding.
Purchase $250.00 ($125.00 for SNAME members, $50.00 for student members), plus shipping
Edited by SNAME members Robert Latorre Chris Barry, John G. Hoyt III and Asher Davidson. |