Certificates of Appreciation

Certificates of Appreciation are awarded to individuals who have demonstrated
outstanding, dedicated service to SNAME

Dr. Philip Koenig, PE

Philip C. Koenig

In appreciation for serving as the Chairman of the SMC Papers Committee

Kenneth R. Lane

Kenneth R. Lane
Glosten Associates Inc.

For his dedicated service and active participation as the Functional Vice-President of Finance

Dr. Edward M. Lewandowski

Dr. Edward M. Lewandowski

For his dedicated service and active participation as the Functional Vice-President of Knowledge Management

Dr. Chris B. McKesson

Dr. Chris B. McKesson
University of British Columbia

In appreciation for serving as the Chairman of the Journal of Ship Production and Design (JSPD) Committee

R. Keith Michel

R. Keith Michel
Webb Institute

For his dedicated service and active participation as the SNAME Treasurer

Peter G. Noble

Peter G. Noble
Noble Associates Inc

In appreciation for his exceptional efforts to recognize his peers' outstanding contributions to the state of the art through the SNAME Fellows program

Paul J. Roden
Paul J. Roden
Fairbanks Morse Engine

In appreciation for serving as the Chairman of the SNAME Maritime Convention 2018
Alan L. Rowen
Alan L. Rowen

For his dedicated service as the PE CE Course Evaluator and CoordInator