Past 2015 Luncheons

June 2015 Luncheon

NOTICE: Due to (the risk of) inclement weather, the luncheon has been rescheduled to June 30th. If you registered for June 16th, and still will attend the next luncheon, no action is required. If you are unable to make the revised date, please email

Lloyd's Register Energy Rules for Offshore Units, Overview and Advances

Mr. Gopal Nair, Regional Technial Manager and Principal Surveyor:
Compliance, Inspection, and Asset Integrity Divisions, Lloyd's Register Energy

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
11:30 AM  - 1:30 PM

Westchase Marriott Hotel
2900 Briarpark Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
Houston Westchase MarriottMap

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Many know Lloyd's Register as the first Society for the Registry of Shipping with a rich history of 254+ years. Since 1760, the world has changed significantly. With a rapidly changing world, industrialization, and technological revolutions, Lloyd's Register has changed as well. Lloyd's Register is honored to take part in the June 16 SNAME Luncheon to discuss the services associated with the offshore industry.

Mr. Gopal Nair and Mr. David Stentiford will present a brief overview of Lloyd's Register and the Energy division's services to the offshore industry. Through the core business as a classification society, the Energy division updated the set of rules exclusive to the offshore industry known as the Lloyd's Register Energy Rules for Offshore Units. The rules are developed through the Offshore Technical Committee comprised of expert representatives from national and international oil companies, EPC firms, owners, operators, fabricators, shipbuilders, equipment vendors and representatives from a number of academic and research organizations.

During the SNAME Luncheon, both Gopal and David will provide an overview of the Rules for Offshore units, areas for future development, and the subsequent parts that make up the Rules for Offshore Units. David and Gopal will discuss the most recent updates and technical content related to naval architecture, fire guidance, high voltage electrical, collision guidance, cryogenic spill and LNG offloading, amongst others.


Gopal Nair currently serves as the Regional Technical Manager and Principal Surveyor covering the Compliance, Inspection, and Asset Integrity divisions of Lloyd's Register Energy. Currently, Gopal is the Subject Expert and is in charge of approval and verification of Marine, Offshore, and Industrial processes, hull, and wellhead equipment.

Mr. Nair has over 30 years of experience in management, design, operation and technical advisory for marine, offshore, and industrial installations. His experience sailing onboard ships for over ten years led him to a tenure as Chief Engineer. Gopal joined LR's Bombay India office in 1991 and transferred to Houston in 1997.

He hold a Honors Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and is a Chartered Engineer, represents LR at the ASME Technical Committee for Marine Conference Group, and is a fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineers and a member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. 

December 2015 Luncheon

100 Years of BP SHIPPING, Video Presentation


Mr. George Argyros


Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

11:30 AM  - 1:30 PM

Westchase Marriott Hotel
2900 Briarpark Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
Houston Westchase MarriottMap
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BP SHIPPING celebrated its centennial this year, making it the longest serving business unit within the BP Group, and proud to fly its House Flag, the only business unit in the BP Group to have one.

This thirty-minute video presentation summarizes our unique history in crude oil transportation, with its distinctive role in supporting the continued growth of the company. The fleet expanded and contracted over the decades, and played a critical role during the two World Wars.BP SHIPPING became an active player in promoting the increasing size of oil tankers, and to this day, continues its role in regulatory advocacy.

Finally, interviews with seafareres and shoreside staff add a personal touch to this presentation.


George Argyros was born, raised and educated in the U.K., and he has worked in classification, and for ship operators engaged in newbuildings design and construction, in the U.K., Canada, Greece and the U.S.A.

For the last ten years, he was been working for BP SHIPPING (USA), based in the Houston office, providing technical support to the U.S. Inland Fleet, the Alaska Class Tankers, and also supporting the different business units headquartered in Houston, such as Gulf of Mexico Deep Water Development, Global Wells, Upstream Engineering and Global Offshore Operations. 




September 2015 Luncheon

Wiliams’ Gulfstar-1–Updating Field measured VIM response of a Classic Spar

Mr. Yong Chan (Y.C) Park
Principal Naval Architect, E&C - Offshore Engineering,Williams

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
11:30 AM  - 1:30 PM

Westchase Marriott Hotel
2900 Briarpark Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
Houston Westchase MarriottMap

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In 2014 Williams Companies delivered a Spar-based FPS to be used by the Hess Corporation for developing their “Tubular Bells” field as well as for future tiebacks for other developments.  Tubular Bells is located in the Mississippi Canyon region of the Gulf of Mexico.  The Spar hull is the ‘Classic hull form’, 584 ft (178 m) long, 85 ft (26 m) in diameter with 60 ft (18 m) hull freeboard. The mooring system consists of 9 mooring lines in 3 groups composed of a chain-polyester-chain configuration.

Williams and Houston Offshore Engineering (HOE) jointly prepared the OTC Paper (OTC-26051-MS, Gulfstar-VIM and Mooring Chain Fatigue) which describes the Gulfstar hull’s design journey through tow tank testing, flume tank testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computations.  This journey uncovered concerns about the fatigue life of the chain which is being monitored by Williams using field measured data from the installed Spar.  In the OTC paper, the field measured VIM response were introduced for the eddy “Lazarus” during August 2014.

Since then, there have been two more loop current event sat the site. The field measured VIM responses to these additional events were measured, processed and evaluated.  This presentation shares the results of these additional data points, including:  

  • Gulfstar hull and mooring system Design Features
  • On board IMMS (Integrated Marine Monitoring System)
  • Brief Summary of VIM model test result and First field measured VIM response of Aug. 2014
  • Field measured VIM Responses during loop current conditions observed in 2014 Aug ~ 2015 Aug.



YC Park is Principal Naval Architect of Williams. His role is reviewing criteria and design engineering performed by Customer and third party engineering companies related floating systems’ (FPS) of the structural and stability/global performance/mooring/marine systems that are owned or to be owned by the Company.  Managing a consultant engineering organization. Preparing the plan for securing the approval of classification society (ABS) and government regulatory (BSEE) for the Company owned new floating production units including system upgrades (tieback projects).

YC Park has more than 20 years of experience in the oil & gas industry, covering detailed engineering, construction experience of the offshore projects including floating production installations and fixed platforms. He received a BS in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Inha University in Korea.



April 2015 Luncheon and Executive Committee Elections

Building up HPC Infrastructure for the Life-Cycle Loading on Offshore Assets

Mr. Jim O'Sullivan, Chief Technology Officer, Technip

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015
11:30 AM  - 1:30 PM

Westchase Marriott Hotel
2900 Briarpark Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
Houston Westchase MarriottMap

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The rapid advances in high-performance computing (HPC) are affecting many aspects of our lives today. The engineering for offshore structures and subsea systems is not an exception. Technip recently developed the design analysis capabilities to fully utilize HPC power in offshore floater and riser designs, which include:

  • CFD-based Numerical Wave Basin
  • High-Fidelity Scalable Global Performance/Riser Analysis Tools
  • High Performance/Big Data Computing Resources

Technip has been developing these HPC infrastructures, and the future applications of this technology to offshore asset management will be discussed:

  • Response Based Long-term Extreme Response
  • High-resolution Reliability-based Fatigue Analysis
  • Real-time in-situ Asset Integrity Assessment
  • Experiments on Alternative Fatigue/Extreme Models

Jim O'Sullivan is Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Technip USA, and manages the Offshore Technology Services (OTS) Department. OTS provides advanced technical services to offshore projects and manages company research regarding floating systems. Mr. O'Sullivan is responsible for the company's floating facility products that include developing and launching new technologies, along with supporting established products.

Mr. O'Sullivan has 40 years of experience in the oil & gas industry, covering technology development, engineering, project management, commercial project development and multiple business related activities. He received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina State University, a Masters in Ocean Engineering from MIT, a Professional Ocean Engineers Degree from MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and an MBA from Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Business.

Executive Committee Elections:

It is that time of the year again to elect the SNAME Texas section executive committee. Elections will be held during the Luncheon for the positions of Chair, Vice-chair and Secretary / Treasurer. If you would like to nominate a member to any of these positions, please send an e-mail to before 04/10/2015.

MTS/SNAME Student Section Joint Meeting, Texas A&M


texassectionlogoMTS Logo.jpg



The Texas A&M student sections of the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) are pleased to announce this year's joint meeting. The meeting will take place on March 27th, in the Archery Room (room 243) of the Student Recreation Center, Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, Texas.

Click here for more details, and registration.

Dr. Randall of TAMU will give an overview of the Ocean Engineering department. This is followed by industry presentations from Vimal Vinayan of Houston Offshore Engineering and Curt Haveman of Intermoor. A BBQ lunch will be provided. In the afternoon, student awards will be given, and the senior Ocean Engineering students will present their capstone design projects. At the end of the day, Dr. Randall will give attendees the opportunity to visit the Haynes Coastal Engineering Laboratory for a demo of their facilities.

Join us for a meeting of the past, present, and future of our industry in College Station!

March 2015 Luncheon

Overview of the New ABS Eagle FPSO Software System

Sharat Valluri, Manager Offshore Structures, ABS

Ping Liao, Staff Consultant, ABS

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

11:30 AM  - 1:30 PM

Westchase Marriott Hotel
2900 Briarpark Dr.
Houston, TX 77042
Houston Westchase MarriottMap

Register Now!


The ABS Eagle FPSO software system performs FPSO structural assessment in accordance with the ABS FPI Rules. This software system includes SEAS (Sea Environmental Assessment System), ISE (Initial Scantling Evaluation), and TSA (FE-based Total Strength Assessment). A newly upgraded ISE modeling and working procedure will be presented. In addition, the FE-based TSA system has also been improved.

A sample case will be presented for the demonstration.


Mr. Sharat Valluri is the Manager of ABS Offshore Technology, Structures. He has been with ABS for over 12 years and has been involved in plan review and project management of several FPSOs and FLNGs. Mr. Valluri has 10 years prior sailing experience on sea-going oil tankers.

Mr. Valluri holds a Master of Science Degree in Ocean Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor's degree in Marine Engineering from the Marine Engineering Research Institute in Calcutta, India.

Mr. Ping Liao is the staff consultant of ABS Offshore Technology, Structures. He has worked in ABS for over 26 years on SafeHull, CSR, FPSO, FLGT software development, and engineering support.

Mr. Ping Liao holds a Master of Engineering degree in Ocean Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor's degree in Naval Architecture from Taiwan Ocean University.