Apply for Membership

Membership Dues 

Student Members


Under 25






32 and Over

65 and older with at least 10 years of membership
 $35 $59* $91* $123* $186* $93*

*There is an additional $20 mailing charge for members outside of North America


Types of Membership 


In order to join as a Member individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • A graduate of a recognized institution with a minimum of 5 years of industry experience with at least 2 years in responsible charge of work.
  • An individual who is not a graduate of a recognized institution shall have had not less than 9 years of industry experience with at least 2 years in responsible charge of work.
  • Provide 3 references from people who can personally attest to the individual's professional qualifications. The references do not need to be members of SNAME.

If you meet these requirements complete a Member application today.


Associate Member

Interested individuals who do not meet the requirements to be a Member of SNAME but still want to join can join as Associate Members. Associate Members receive access to the same features of membership as Members, but are not eligible to hold International office. It is not required to provide references, job history or education history to become an associate member. Associate Membership is a great way to take advantage of the features of professional membership while building up your career. Associate members who meet the requirements to be a Member can apply to transition to a Member at any time, free of charge.

Complete an Associate Member application here 


Student Member

SNAME has student members all over the world in our 36+ student sections. Student members receive significant discounts on books.

Complete a student application here.  



Digital Only Membership: Members in the following countries are eligible to receive a digital only membership at reduced dues. The reduced dues amount will be automatically charged when the membership is setup.

Afghanistan Central African Republic Grenada Libya Pakistan Suriname
Albania Chad Guatemala Lithuania Palau Swaziland
Algeria Chile Guinea Macedonia, FYR Panama Syrian Arab Republic
American Samoa China Guinea-Bissau Madagascar Papua New Guinea Tajikistan
Angola Colombia Guyana Malawi Paraguay Tanzania
Antigua and Barbuda Comoros Haiti Malaysia Peru Thailand
Argentina Congo, Dem.Rep. Honduras Maldives Philippines Timor-Leste
Armenia Congo, Rep. India Mali Romania Togo
Azerbaijan Costa Rica Indonesia Marshall Islands Russian Federation Tonga
Bangladesh Cote d’ivoire Iran, Islamic Rep. Mauritania Rwanda Tunisia
Belarus Cuba Iraq Mauritius Samoa Turkey
Belize Djibouti Jamaica Mexico Sao Tome and Principe Turkmenistan
Benin Dominica Jordan Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Senegal Tuvalu
Bhutan Dominican Republic Kazakhstan Moldova Serbia Uganda
Bolivia Ecuador Kenya Mongolia Seychelles Ukraine
Bosnia and Herzegovina Egypt, Arab Rep. Kiribati Montenegro Sierra Leone Uruguay
Botswana El Salvador North Korea Morocco Solomon Islands Uzbekistan
Brazil Eritrea Kosovo Mozambique Somalia Vanuatu
Bulgaria Ethiopia Kyrgyz Republic Myanmar South Africa Venezuela, RB
Burkina Faso Fiji Lao PDR Namibia South Sudan Vietnam
Burundi Gabon Latvia Nepal Sri Lanka West Bank and Gaza
Cambodia Gambia, The Lebanon Nicaragua St. Lucia Yemen Rep.
Cameroon Georgia Lesotho Niger St. Vincent and the Grenadines Zambia
Cape Verde Ghana Liberia Nigeria Sudan Zimbabwe