Sponsor Us


Thank you to our generous donors! Your support is greatly appreciated; without it, Quarterdeck events, especially attending the SNAME annual conference and section meetings, would not be possible. We are also aiming to create opportunities for students to visit local shipyards and marine-focused companies as well as international ones.


If you would like to donate, checks may be made out to "The University of Michigan" with "Quarterdeck" in the memo line. These may be sent to 2600 Draper Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109. You can also donate online at this link: https://leadersandbest.umich.edu/find/#!/give/basket/fund/936940.

Please feel free to contact us at nameqd-23@umich.edu if you have any questions.

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors!

Bay Engineering, Inc Elliott Bay Design Group LLC
Bentgen Marine Consulting The Glosten Associates 
Bruce S. Rosenblatt & Associates LLC Glowacki Engineering
Columbia-Sentinel Engineers, Inc S hip Architects, Inc
C.R. Cushing & Co., Inc. Timothy Graul Marine Services
Dibner Maritime Associates LLC  

Thank you For your personal donations!

David Amble Todd Grove Ying Mei Charles Cannon
Ray Armstrong Rick Gupman Harold M. Miller Ben Capuco
Frederick Ashcroft Martin Haase Dan Mirelez Steve Ceccio
Bob Beck Gerald Hanley Robert Murphy Daniel Chappelear
Gregory Beers Stephen P. K. Ho Owen Oakley, Jr. Victor Chen
Harry Benford Bob Horsefield Michael Parsons James Claffey
Charles Beyer Al Horsmon Art Reed Paul Cojeen
Dan Brockman Richard Huizenga Thomas Reese Joe Comer
Bill Hurley Dale Reid Ed Comstock Russell P. Knowles
Bruce Hutchison Paul Roden John C. Couch Mitch Koslow
Christopher Johnson Bruce Rosenblatt Tom Croft Robert Kramek
Glen F. & Mariales J. Jurges Owen L. Schwam John Daidola Robert E. Kramer
Daniel Kabel Todd Sedler James Derusha Barbara Lamb
Robert Keane Fred Shumaker Matthew Devine Ken Lane
Stephen Kemp David Singer Ivan Kirschner Kristen Dill
Forrest Kenney Jaideep Sirkar Eleanor Kirtley Volker Elste
Justin Slater Joseph Sreshta Bill Lasher Howard Fireman
Don Slater Oren Stephans Everett Lunsford Ted Garman
Emmons Smith Leroy Stram Thomas Mackey Bill Garzke
Ken Smith David Toepler Monroe Macpherson Bob Geary
Timothy Smith Armin Troesch Robin Madsen Jeff Geiger
Rick Spaulding Frank Veit John Mahowald Robert Golden
Lianna Gordon Ian McCurdy Scott Grenlund
Edison Graves Steve McDowell John Womack
Howard Yaffee David Wetherbee Peter Witherell