Bellevue 2016

Bellevue 2016

      The SNAME-NTUA delegation at SMC 2016 in Bellevue, WA


   This year SMC was organized in Bellevue, Washington, comprising a series of events that attracted the academic and industrial elite.

SMC provided:

- Over 50 hours of technical presentations, including topic on ship production, operations, manufacturing research and engineering design.

- Networking with international leaders of today and tomorrow.

- An Expo hall filled with cutting-edge industry representation.

- Panel discussions on Autonomy in Shipping, PNW Shipbuilding, Canadian Shipbuilding and LNG fuels

- A number of great student events, including the annual job fair, student industry roundtable, student social, student congress and elections.

-And lots more exciting events


The Greek student section SNAME-NTUA, had a significant presence for another SNAME Maritime Convention thanks to our sponsors' courteous support.


                                                    SNAME-NTUA ATTENDEES:

This year eleven student members of SNAME-NTUA applied but seven of them were partially funded to attend the SNAME Maritime Convention at Bellevue, Washington between 1-5 of November. The whole team consisted of eight people, who were the three officers of SNAME-NTUA and five more student members.


Alexandros Senteris (Chairman)

Christina Toki ( Vice-Chairwoman)

Lydia Kougioumoutzaki ( Secretary/Treasurer)


Polina Liadi: She has actively participated in the preparation of the WMTC conference as a past vice-chairwoman of the years 2015-2016.Dedicated to our section and highly committed to her education and progress, Polina is entering her fifth year of studies having completed a useful internship.

Dimitris Michail is now entering his 5th year of studies, having completed a useful internship. A member endowed with critical ability in naval technology and marine engineering.

Vassiliki Mourkokosta: A member always willing to help and participate in SNAME events, hard working and self-motivated. She is in her 5th year of studies.

Symeon Pontikos: He has contributed to our section by attending and participating in SNAME events.He is in the senior year of studies, being equipped with a large range of academical knowledge.

Sotiria Lagouvardou is another active member in our society, now entering her 4th year of studies.




                                            LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT THE SMC

DAY 1:

The Greek delegation arrived in Hyatt Regency on November 1st 2016 and all registered for the convention, they checked in their volunteer schedule and then spent some time socializing with students from other SNAME student and parent sections.

On Wednesday 2/11 the official SMC activities began along with the student program. The two officers of our student committee Alexandros Senteris and Lydia Κougioumoutzaki volunteered as assistant moderators in papers presented at the conference, more than once.

The highlight of the day was the student design competition, where students from several SNAME Sections worldwide mixed and teamed up in order to create a small boat made of simple everyday materials given to them by the organizers. The race challenge had three rounds. Almost 120 students participated forming 12 teams.

Our vice-chairwoman Christina Toki, and three other SNAME-NTUA student members Polina Liadi, Vassiliki Mourkokosta and Sotiria Lagouvardou were on the second winning team for this year's student design competition which involved vessel speed and damage stability components.Their team designed a catamaran-like boat with a paddle wheel propulsion system, all of which was made of plastic bottles, cardboard box, wooden sticks and a glue gun as their ''welding equipment''.

Later on that day a student social event was organised giving us the time to get to know with other students and future partners.


DAY 2:

The day started with a Topical Breakfast, where a topic is presented after or during the breakfast by usually a very acknowledged person. Then we focused on the technical program and attended several presentations based on our own interests. Later that day we had time to visit the Expo that was organized for the convention where many companies presented their ideas, projects and products. Exhibitors described in detail their patents and new equipment that aimed to solve the problems of today's maritime industry.

The student program that day consisted of a student Job, Scholarship and Graduate School Fair. A program that mostly adressed to students who were interested in internships in the US. Definitely, it was really beneficial for us to know what qualifications are required by the international labor market. Also a Student Industry Roundtable Session was held on the same day, where students could discuss with professionals and SNAME officers about several topics based on their interests. At the evening we attended the Annual SNAME Banquet.


DAY 3:

One more day starting with a Topical Breakfast followed by the student Microsite competition and the SSC elections. At the end of the day we all attended the Awards Luncheon which was the closing event for the day. Important to note for this day is the presentation made by a Greek professional, Mr Papanikolaou demonstrating the global aspect of our society and the essential presence of Greeks in such a society, This day was especially important for our section because not only was the Greek section honored as a Super Section for another consecutive year but also for the Undergraduate Scholarship award was honored to receive our chairman Alexandros Senteris, our student members awarded and earned cash prizes and steins for the student design competition and an award given to our past professor Mr Papanikolaou as SNAME faculty advisor.

After the Awards ceremony we said our farewells with our friends hoping to meet them again and thanked all those who helped organize such a great conference and all those who helped participate in it.


We would like as officers of SNAME NTUA student section to thank both of them from the bottom of our hearts for their efforts and assistance towards us.

All these would not have been accomplished without the support of the Greek Section of SNAME and our sponsors. To this we feel grateful that they gave us the chance to have this great experience and hope that represented, and will continue represent the Greek Section in the most appropriate way.