Visit of SNAME President 2017


On Wednesday 11th of October we had the honor and pleasure to have here in Athens the President of SNAME's Headquarters Mr. Martin Toyen. He stayed in Greece for a couple of days, from 10th to 12th of October.

During his stay in Athens the Executive Committee of the Greek Student Section (NTUA and TEI) was offered the chance to spend a whole day with him. From sightseeing to lunching and having very interesting discussions not only about SNAME's situation and future but also about the studies and careers of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in Greece, USA and around the world.

We were also accompanied by Mrs. Pavlopoulou from our Parent Section who also shared her thoughts and opinions to us about the topics that we were discussing with Mr. Toyen.

She is also to be credited for the beautiful photos that we have from this great day!