What is the Faculty Advisor of the Year Award?
The Faculty Advisor of the Year Award is awarded to a Faculty Advisor from one of the SNAME Student Sections to recognize his or her contribution to the success of a section and its students. Student Section leaders who wish to nominate their Faculty Advisor submit nominations to the Student Steering Committee. The Student Steering Committee reviews the nominations and selects a recipient to be submitted and approved by the Awards Committee.
2017 Recipient: Dr. David J. Singer
The chosen Faculty Advisor can then select a student or students to be awarded the Bruce and Dorothy Rylander Johnson Faculty Advisor of the Year Award. This is a $5000 award established and funded by Bruce and Dorothy Rylander Johnson for the Faculty Advisor to recognize a student or students who exemplify outstanding contribution to the field of naval, marine, and ocean engineering studies.
Faculty Advisor Responsibilities
- To encourage all students studying naval architecture, marine/ocean engineering and other maritime related degrees to become Student Members of SNAME as the initial step in their program of professional development.
- Create a professional awareness in each Student Member which will encourage and inspire them throughout their career to maintain a continuous and active membership in SNAME.
- Encourage students to hold their own meetings at which students or guests can present papers.
- Encourage students to present papers at section meetings and compete for Student Papers Awards.
- Encourage student participation in SNAME student design competitions.
- Encourage attendance at all Student Section Meetings/Presentations, Local Section Meetings/Presentations and the SNAME Maritime Convention and Student Congress.
Award Description
- As a means of recognizing the efforts of SNAME Student Section Faculty Advisors an annual Award shall be presented to a current or former outstanding Faculty Advisor whose leadership and service qualities have contributed to the program and operations of a Student Section of the Society.
- The SSC shall solicit nominations with supporting documentation from each Student Section and will review score-sheets and written support documentation. An awardee will be selected by the SSC and will be submitted to the Awards Committee for review.
- The Awards Committee will finalize the nomination from the SSC.
- The Award will be presented at the President's Luncheon at that year’s SNAME Maritime Convention.
- In recognition of the honored Faculty Advisor, the Bruce and Dorothy Rylander Johnson Scholarship, a $5,000 undergraduate scholarship, will be presented to a deserving student member from the Student Section supported by the Faculty Advisor. Our thanks to Bruce and Dorothy Johnson, whose generous contribution to our scholarship program will fund this scholarship in perpetuity. The Scholarship Committee will work with the Faculty Advisor to determine a student deserving of the scholarship.
Downloadable PDF: Faculty_Award_Description.pdf