The Student Steering Committee (SSC) has been given a unique opportunity by SNAME to help guide the Society and make it responsive to its younger members. The SSC is comprised of volunteer students (undergraduate and graduate) and recent college graduates who are committed to ensuring active student participation within SNAME. The SSC is YOU!
The SSC strives to achieve the following:
- Plan the annual Student Program at SMC
- Create an open means of communications with Student Sections and student members
- Keep students informed of SNAME news and events – both locally and internationally – by managing the SSC website and social media as well as through email and other forms of communication
- Give full support to current Student Sections, and encouraging the creation of new Student Sections, to foster active student particpation
- Organize new student programs and services to enhance student membership
- Continue to represent student interests at all levels of SNAME
Facing the threat of declining student membership and participation, SNAME realized that students are the essential resource with regard to meeting the Society’s goal of developing future industry leaders. In 2000, SNAME created the Student Steering Committee in an effort to recognize students, identify their contributions and encourage their continued participation within the organization. Recently, the Society acknowledged the need for the “student voice” to be heard, and responded by changing the SNAME bylaws to endorse student representation on policy making committees. More specifically, the SSC Chairman was added as a voting member of the Executive Committee. A similar position was created on the Education Committee that is to be filled by an SSC officer. These recognized positions empower the SSC to represent student interests at the highest levels within SNAME. Our accomplishments further reinforce the importance of the SSC and all student members as vital participants in SNAME.
When it was first created, the Student Steering Committee (SSC) was tasked with organizing and running the Student Congress, held during the SNAME Maritime Technology Conference and Expo (a.k.a. SMTC&E or the SNAME Annual Meeting). The Student Congress quickly became a great success and caused the SSC to expand the student activities offered at SMTC&E. The SSC now oversees an entire SNAME Annual Meeting Student Program.
Photos courtesy of SNAME & James Coller.