

Hello and welcome to the Student Steering Committee (SSC) website!

Wondering what the SSC is? We are a standing committee of student representatives given the unique opportunity by SNAME to help guide the Society and make it responsive to its younger members. From undergraduate and graduate students to recent graduates, with representatives from around the globe, all are committed to active student involvement within SNAME. The committee is led by five elected student officers, an appointed officer, and the student chair from each Society Student Section. 

We are here to help and support the development of all student sections. On our website, you can find information related to running your student section smoothly in the Student Section Standards (SSS) Guide as well as resources you can share with your members such as employment opportunities, scholarships, and more. Also, for your assistance, we have published a Microsite Guide that you may find useful in building your section's microsite. 

You can contact us via email at students@sname.org

Feel free to reach out to our chair, Dimitri Dikos (ddikos@umich.edu) anytime!

The Student Steering Committee

Say hello to the 2024 SSC!

Chair: Dimitris Dikos

Vice Chair: Sam Kerley
Secretary: Lyn Tran
Communications Chair: Karissa Nieves
Electronic Media Chair: Jeremy Lane
Resource Management Chair: Dimitris Dikos


Undergraduate Scholarships due June 1st!

The Student Design Competition During SMC 2024 is getting a makeover! Join us in Norfolk for an exciting naval architecture challenge!


Join us for SNAME SMC 2024 in Norfolk, VA!


Congratulations to this year's Electronic Media Competition winners! 

Check out their microsites by clicking on the hyperlinks above and be inspired!


Dimitrios Dikos
University of Michigan


Lyn Tran
University of Michigan


Karissa Nieves
Webb Institute

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National Calendar

Recent Annoucements

SNAME- Presentation for students

Dear Students, 

From the link below you can download a presentation about SNAME and the benefits of the student membership. You shall use it as an introductory presentation to new students or as a framework for creating presentations about your student section.  


Social Media

Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@snameSSC)!