Welcome to the SNAME Fellows Committee
A SNAME Fellow is a member of high distinction. The SNAME Bylaw B1-2 states:
The grade of Fellow may be accorded exclusively to individuals who have made outstanding personal contributions to naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, or allied disciplines through significant achievements in design, research, production, operation, education, or associated management. A candidate shall have attained the grade of Member and have had not less than ten (10) years of active practice.
Nomination to the grade of Fellow is a peer-driven process. A complete nomination package must include a completed nomination form (downloaded from the SNAME website) and at least three signed letters of recommendation from the initiator and two endorsers, all of whom must be SNAME Fellows or (Full) Members. Additional letters of recommendation may be included from endorsers who need not be SNAME Fellows or Members. A candidate for the grade of Fellow cannot be the initiator or an endorser of his/her own nomination, and the nominee should not be aware or informed of his/her nomination. Complete Fellow nomination packages may be submitted to SNAME Headquarters (email to jlane@sname.org) at any time. The Fellows Committee conducts two evaluation cycles each year -- one in the Spring and one in the Fall.
Nominations for the Spring cycle are due by February 28 and nominations for the Fall cycle are due by July 31.
The Fellows Committee evaluates nominations in accordance with the criteria set forth in Bylaw B1.2. Other factors that are not sufficient for elevation to the grade of Fellow, but may be taken into consideration by the Fellows Committee, are: prominence in a field or the marine industry as a whole; status as a role model for SNAME members and/or a mentor for Student Members and Young Professionals; service/involvement in SNAME activities at the local, regional and national levels.
The Fellows Committee is chaired by John Malone. If you have any questions or would like to submit a nomination, please contact Jodi Lane via Jlane@sname.org