
Dr. Christopher McKesson, PE

Contact Details

12345 Lake City Way NE
Suite 3144
Seattle, WA 98125
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Over the past twenty-five years my greatest contributions have been on unconventional projects and programs. I am widely regarded as an extremely creative and inquisitive individual, sometimes a gadfly, sometimes a genius, always intriguing.

Whereas in early days “unconventional projects” tended to mean an emphasis on speed, in recent years it has included unconventional propulsion systems, or an ‘unconventional’ emphasis on environmental stewardship, or an unconventional approach to the ontology of maritime systems.

I am available for part-time or contract work opportunities. These could be in the form of telecommuting for part time work, or they could include some full-time on-site roles. Relevant tasks might range from peer-review of a report, drafting a plan of action, or other “portable” projects completed via internet. I can also be available as an extra hand on-site for a period of some weeks, although that will take a bit more advance planning. This latter option may be particular useful for start-up efforts such as brainstorming in the early stage of a project.

I am available globally, providing that the legal formalities can be met.

Job History

University of New Orleans
Adjunct Professor / Research Associate
New Orleans
