
Mr. Miguel Sanchez Salgado Sr.

Contact Details


I was born in Mexico City on October 28, 1993. I'm the third from 2 sisters. My mom Lourdes and my father Miguel they still live. I'm a student of Naval Engineering in the Universidad Veracruzana and I'm member of SNAME since August 2016.
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Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Ingeniería Naval en la Universidad Veracruzana. Interesado en los aspectos de administración, diseño, mecánica, de inspección y sustentabilidad de la industria marítima-naval. Miembro de la Sociedad de Arquitectos Navales e Ingenieros Marítimos (SNAME) desde 2016.

Student of the degree in marine engineering in the Veracruzana University. Interested in the aspects of administration, design, mechanic, inspection and sustainability of the maritime-naval industry. Member of the Society Of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) since 2016

Job History

vice chair person of Universidad Veracruzana Student Section
Boca del Rio, VER, Mexico
April 2017 - April 2018

Naval Engineering practitioner
Ensenada, BCN, Mexico
July 2017 - August 2017