The Seventeenth CSYS – March 2005
Toward Numerical VPP with the Full Coupling of Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Solvers for ACC Yachts - Erwan Jacquin, Yann Roux, Bertrand Allessandrini
Time Domain Simulation of a Yacht Sailing Upwind in Waves - D. H. Harris
Geometry and Resistance of the IACC Systematic Series “Il Moro di Venezia” - D. Battistin, D. Peri, E. Campana
Sailing Yacht Rig Improvements Through Viscous Computational Fluid Dynamics - Vincent G. Chapin, Romaric Neyhousser, Sthephane Jamme, Guillaume Dulliand, Patrick Chassaing
A New Velocity Prediction Method for Post-Processing of Towing Tank Test Results - Kai Graf, Christoph Bohm
Hull Form Optimization of Performance Characteristics of Turkish Gulets for Charter - Mark Gammon, Abdi Kukner, Ahmet Alkan
The Development of an Integrated Ship Design Environment for the Naval Architect on The Linux Operating System - H. James Parker
Multiobjective Design Optimization of an IACC Sailing Yacht by Means of CFD High- Fidelity Solvers - Daniele Peri, Fabrizio Mandolesi
Comparison of Tacking and Wearing Performance Between a Japanese Traditional Square Rig and a Chinese Lug Rig - Yutaka Masuyama, Akira Sakurai, Toichi Fukasawa, Kazunori Aoki
Relative Performance of Conventional Versus Movable-Ballast Racing Yachts - Frank DeBord, Harry Dunning
The Effect of Mast Height and Centre of Gravity on the Re-Righting of Yachts - Jonathan R. Binns, Paul Brandner
A Generic Mathematical Model for the Maneuvering and Tacking of a Sailing Yacht - J. A. Keuning, K. J. Vermeulen, E. J. de Ridder
Experimental Methods to Evaluate Underwater Appendages - Robert Ranzenbach, Mathew Zahn
A Velocity Prediction Program for a Planing Dinghy - Todd Carrico
Sail Aero-Structures: Studying Primary Load Paths and Distortion - Robert Ranzenbach, Zhenlong Xu
Light Weight Sandwich Panels for Yacht Hull Structures - M. C. Rice, C. A. Fleischer, D. D. R. Cartie, Marc Zupan