The Twentieth CSYS – March 2011
A Multidisciplinary Computational Framework for Sailing Yacht Rig Design & Optimization through Viscous FSI - Vincent G. Chapin, Nolwenn de Carlan, Peter Heppel
Experimental Full Scale Study on Yacht Sails and Rig under Unsteady Sailing Conditions and Comparison to Fluid Structure Interaction Unsteady Model - Benoît Augier, Patrick Bot, Frederic Hauville
Photogrammetry Based Flying Shape Investigation of Downwind Sails in the Wind Tunnel and at Full Scale on a Sailing Yacht - Johannes Mausolf, Julien Deparday, Kai Graf, Hannes Renzsch, Christoph Böhm
Pressure Distributions on Sails Investigated Using Three Methods: On-Water Measurements, Wind-Tunnel Measurements, and Computational Fluid Dynamics - Ignazio Maria Viola, Richard GJ Flay
Advancement in the Application of Finite Element Analysis to the Optimization of Composite Yacht Structures - David Fornaro
Free-Surface Effects of Variations in Appendage Vertical Volume Distribution: Where does a Bulb not See the Free-Surface? - Jonathan R. Binns, Robert Thompson, Paul A. Brandner, Leonard Imas
RVPP: Sailing Yacht Performance Prediction fully integrated into a RANSE based flow code - Christoph Böhm, Kai Graf
Effective Wind Tunnel Testing of Yacht Sails Using a Real-Time Velocity Prediction Program - David Le Pelley, Peter Richards
To Twist, or Not to Twist? – A Scientific Attempt to Understand What We Think We Already Know About Sail Trim - William C. Lasher, Robert Ranzenbach
The Effects of Streamlined Rigging on Sailboat Performance - Bruce J. Martin, Grzegorz P. Filip, Kevin J. Maki, Robert F. Beck, Eric Hall
An Investigation into the Efficiency of Gybing Daggerboards - Douglas Slocum
An Investigation of Transom Lift Devices on High Performance Open-Class Sailing Yachts - Seth Cooley
The Use of Sailing Simulation to Increase Participation - Jonathan R. Binns, Mark Habgood, Norman R. Saunders, Paula Cunningham, John Mooney
Sizing and Analysis of Folding Propellers for Auxiliary-Powered Sailboats - Donald MacPherson, Benjamin Segil, Sune Ehrenskjold