The Eighth CSYS - March, 1987
The Application of VPPs to Practical Sailing Problems - Kirkman, Karl L.
An Assessment of the Progress in Yacht Design Through an Examination of Model Yacht Characteristics - Claughton, Andrew, Howlett, Ian, Stollery, Roger
Dinghy Design and the International Fourteen - Ames, Robert M. and Weiss, Paul F.
The Comparison of Potential Driving Force of Various Rig Types Used for Fishing Vessels - Marchaj, C.A.
Brushfire - An Experience in Building a Masthead Cutter - Williams, John J.
Keel Design for Low Viscous Drag - Obara, Clifford J. and Van Dam, C.P.
The Interpretation of Results from Tank Tests on 12m Yachts - Campbell, Ian and Claughton, Andrew
The Analysis of Wave Resistance in the Design of 12 Meter - Scragg, Carl A., Chance, Britton, Jr., Talcott, John C., and Wyatt, Donald C.
Stars & Stripes '87; Computational Flow Simulations for Hydrodynamic Design - Boppe, Charles W., Rosen, Bruce S., Laiosa, Joseph P., and Chance, Britton, Jr.
Data Collection and Analysis for the 1987 Stars & Stripes Campaign - Letcher, John S. and McCurdy, Richard C.