Chairman: Antonis Michael
Antonis is a 4th Year undergraduate student at the NAOME Department, pursuing his degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. As a student, Antonis has been awarded the Dean’s Certificate for his meritorious standards achieved. Moreover, from the first year of his studies he was interested in joining university activities with the aim to help enhance the quality of the academic and professional level of the students, and as a result he was elected a class representative during the first year of his studies. Following his first involvement with voluntary activities, he was elected the treasurer of UoS SNAME Student section where he had overseen the financial management of the society and then the Vice-Chairman where in cooperation with the chairman they organized and led the society successfully. Antonis has been chosen as the new Chairman for the academic year of 2022-2023 where he looks forward in improving the UoS SNAME Student Section but also engage the society with professionals for the benefit of all its current members and the ones joining in the future. His love and passion for the maritime world derives from a very young age as he used to travel with passenger ships to the Greek islands. Moreover, as a teenager, Antonis volunteered in different sailing competitions because of the passion he had for the marine world. Also, his family background in the maritime industry had a major role in him improving his knowledge and pursuing his dream.

Vice Chairman: Nikolaos Ntouros
Nikolaos is currently undertaking his 5th year of Naval architecture and marine engineering, working towards his master’s degree. For the first 4 years of his degree, he has been awarded with distinction regarding his academic performance. Honourably discharged, to the rank of Master Sergeant, with a demonstrated history of working in Aviation domain and Military Operations in the Greek Army for 7 years. Nikolaos had highly demanding responsibilities such as pre-flight tests, monitoring of the flight console and after-flight inspections on a day-to-day basis, with an experience of more than 200 flight hours as a flight engineer, day and night. During his military career, prominent levels of discipline and professionalism were acquired, due to the pressure of work and the fast-paced challenging environment, particularly during operational flights. However, he decided to follow his passion in naval architecture, therefore, he resigned from the Greek Army and joined the university’s master’s course. For the last 4 years he has been a member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, and a student representative of the RINA at the University of Strathclyde. Furthermore, he is a member of the IMarEST and SNAME and recently elected Vice Chairman of the UoS SNAME student section. With strong leadership background and excellent team and communication skills, he is eager to generate interest for the marine industry and personal growth, and SNAME is an outstanding opportunity to do so, within a professional framework.

Secretary: Theodora Karali
Theodora is a 3rd year undergraduate student at the University of Strathclyde in the department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Her passion for engineering and her love for the sea, made her choose a career in the maritime engineering industry from a very young age. During the first years of her studies, she passed all of her classes with distinction. She is a member of SNAME and IMarEST, and a member of the previous UoS SNAME committee where she held the position of the webmaster. Theodora is the elected secretary for the 2022-2023 SNAME committee.

Treasurer: Ioannis Falkonakis
Ioannis Falkonakis is a third year Naval Architecture and Marine engineering student, and the current Treasurer of SNAME. He has been active in university societies since his first year, holding key positions in several Naval Architecture related societies and is the current president of the Debating society. His passion for knowledge sharing and widening access to career opportunities drew him to join the team. Ioannis has worked as a technician on a variety of vehicles, starting in a bicycle shop and diversifying to trailers, cars, and motorcycles before discovering his passion for marine vehicles. Through SNAME, he hopes to broaden and consolidate his knowledge, whilst helping more students to begin to engage with the industry they hope to join.
Communication Officer: Ioannis Stamatiou
Ioannis Stamatiou is a 4th-year student in the department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. This academic year (2022-2023) he has been elected as Communications Officer in the S.N.A.M.E. committee. From his early years, Ioannis has shown interest in teamwork by participating in many schools and boy scout projects. Furthermore, working in the industry has been his dream from a young age which he has managed to fulfil partly with the following work experience. First, his major work experience so far was spending 61 days as a junior engineer in a VLCC vessel at Springfield Maritime (Onassis Group) in 2020. Also, last summer (2021) he worked as a Naval architect and Marine Engineer trainee in Navinco Ltd, a project construction managing company based in Piraeus, Athens. This summer Ioannis was an intern in Angelicoussis Group working for the Spares & Inventory Department. Ioannis looks forward to giving his best for the community and gaining some further experience in the field along the way. As a communications officer, he is motivated to use his ideas and creativity for helping the S.N.A.M.E. society to grow.
Web Master: Konstantinos Veronis
Konstantinos is a 3rd year undergraduate student in the department of Naval Architecture, Ocean, and Marine Engineering. Having grown up on a Greek island, he was exposed to the nautical and marine environments from an early age. From his first year at the University of Strathclyde, he has passed all courses with distinction and has been awarded a Dean’s certificate for meritorious standard, while he has also enjoyed participating in events organised by SNAME student section. Through the interaction as Web-Master with the student section of SNAME, he intends to develop communicative skills, gain knowledge and expertise in his field of study, and attain networking links.
Operations Officer: Aris Flegas
Aris is a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Strathclyde as a naval architect and marine engineer working toward his master’s degree. For the first 3 years of his studies, he has been awarded with destination regarding his academic performance. For this academic year he has been elected as operations’ officer in the SNAME committee. This is mainly attributed on his knowledge on media editing. He is looking forward on working as a team with the other members of the committee, proposing new ideas, organising interesting events, and propelling this year’s SNAME team to new heights. Aris’ passion for the subject started at a young age. He was always interested in engineering and especially architecture and spending every summer on a Greek island made him come closer to the sea. He developed an obsession with everything sea related, at the beginning it was water sports, scuba diving etc. As he grew up, he managed to merge his passion for the sea and his love for architecture and engineering with the course he followed. During his free time, Aris enjoys surfing, photography and cinematography.
Committee Advisor: Anastasios Dimarakis
Anastasios is a 5th year undergraduate student studying Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. He grew up in Greece and was exposed to and amazed by the nautical art from a young age. He participated in sailing races and other activities connected to the sea. He has been a scout for many years and has thus gained great experience in teamwork and leadership. His ambitions and plans lead him at Strathclyde to study something that combines passion for the sea, science, and creativity.