COME 2014


"The impacts of commercial operations on the environment are receiving considerable attention. Indeed, the projects are required now to do risk assessments on their operations including the effects of environmental impact. In offshore and marine activities, prescriptive regulations have to be met. However, the COME concept is a pro-active way of developing a caring attitude for the offshore and marine environment. It can be applied to all phases of the product's life-cycle, i.e. design, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning. The findings of each phase would be recorded and passed on to the next phase to provide an integrated output... (Please see full preface later)"


Workshop Programme


Welcome Note

Key Note

1.1 Present Approach to environmental care in the marine industry

1.2 Present Approach to environmental care in the offshore industry

1.3 International Regulatory trends and the potential educational contributions

2.1 How can teaching contribute to the COME

Summary of Group Discussion 2.1

2.2 What attributes should graduates have

Summary of Group Discussion 2.2

2.3 What is the desired balance between theory, application and software for teaching

Summary of Group Discussion 2.3

2.4 What may be the role of human factors and human resource teams

2.5 How can a positive COME culture be generated

Summary of Group Discussion 2.5

3.1 Operational & Environmental Perfomance in marine applications

3.2 Typical Examples of COME in ship design

3.3 Pelamis - COME from concept through to implementation

4.1 COME in an unlikely place

4.2 Narrowing the gap between commercial and offshore operations in risk reduction

4.3 Shared Experience

5.1 Roles of Education, CPD to promote the idea of COME attitude

5.2 M. Tech a case example of CPD