4th Annual UoS SNAME Event

Graham Hills 648, Glasgow, 07/02/2020


On Friday the 7thof February, the University of Strathclyde SNAME Student Section organised the 4thAnnual University of Strathclyde SNAME Symposium at Graham Hills, 648 in Glasgow. Committee members: Dimitrios Tsevdos (Chair), Markella Pikouni (Vice-Chair), Charalampos Agapiou (Secretary), Charalampos Dimitriou (Treasurer), Catalina Francu (Communication Officer), Sebastian Fulger (WebMaster), Panagiotis Axiotis (Operation Officer) and Nikolaos Koutsodontis (Advisor) as well as SNAMEand non-SNAME members of the Western Europe Section attended the event.
The Symposium began with opening remarks by Dimitrios Tsevdos, the Chairman of the SNAME committee of the University of Strathclyde. Soon after, Keith Lilley, the Chair of SNAME WES made an introduction of the event and talked about the benefits of becoming a member of SNAME. Nina Lilley, SRVP-International, informed the attendees about the Paper Contest of SNAME for 2020 and made all the people at present to introduce themselves. Markella Pikouni, the Vice-Chair, read a short Biography for every speaker before their presentations.


         Figure 1 - Keith Lilley, Chair of SNAME WES


The first presenter of the day was Jan De Kat, Director at ABS, who shared information about decarbonisation in the marine industry and delivered a presentation about ‘Pathways Towards Low Carbon Shipping’. 

 Figure 2 – Jan De Kat, Director at ABS


After mr. Jan De Kat insightful presentation lunch break was held. The UoS student committee members organised a small surprise for their own vice-chair Markella Pikouni and SRVP Mrs. Nina Lilley who had their birthdays on Friday and Saturday, respectively. The attendees of the symposium had the chance to sing and wish happy birthday to both birthday girls while enjoying their lunch.

Figure 3 - Symposium Birthday Surprise

After a lunch break, Dr. Julia Race, Head of the Department, made an introduction to the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering of the University of Strathclyde. Subsequently , Keith Lilley delivered the SMC 2019 Graduate Paper Awards to two attendees.

 Figure 4 – Graduate Paper Awards

The second presentation was given by Keith W. Hutchinson, T&R Chair and consultant at Safinah Group, who presented the Design and Operation of an LNG Bunker vessel.

 Figure 5 – Keith W. Hutchinson receiving his Award

The next presentation was made by the guest students from Aalto university, namely, Juho Sarkka, Alexander Jerne, Lassi Mastomaki, Essi Ekman, Joakim Heinolanen and Veikko Ahola that introduced to the attendees the Naval Architecture department of Aalto University and afterwards a presentation regarding the future of Finnish Shipbuilding and its Evolving Traditions.

Figure 6 – Aalto students receiving their Awards

After a coffee break, Dr. Rodrigo Perez Fernandez a faculty advisor from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Area Manager for SENER elaborated on the Use Cases of AI in a Ship Design Environment with a robust point of view.

 Figure 7 – Dr. Rodrigo Perez Fernandez receiving his Award

The last presentation of the day was given by Dr. Iraklis Lazakis , Faculty Advisor and Mentor of the SNAME Student Section, and delivered a presentation named ‘Smart Technologies for Automated Ship Inspection’ that showcased the use of drones for a enhanced accesibility and reduction of human risk.

 Figure 8 - Dr. Iraklis Lazakis receiving his Award


 Finally, Keith Lilley presented the awards and Dr. Iraklis Lazakis gave the closing remarks of the event.

Figure 9 – SNAME Symposium Attendees 2019


Falkirk Wheel, Falkirk 08/02/2020

Following the Symposium on the next day, the UoS SNAME committee planned a trip to the Falkirk Wheel, Falkirk, where the presenters of the Symposium, Aalto University students and NAOME students of Strathclyde attended.

 Figure 10 – Trip to Britannia

Transportation was achieved by a rented coach sponsored by the NAOME Department and the tickets for the Falkirk Wheel tour were purchased by the UoS SNAME Section. The group met at the Henry Dyer Building at 10:15 on Saturday the 8th of February and departure was made strictly at 10:30 as organized. Upon arrival at the Falkirk Wheel location, the attendees enjoyed Scottish rural beauty lashed, for a short period of time, with sunshine. The guided tour on the Falkirk Wheel was approximately 60 minutes and included sailing through the sky before travelling along the aqueduct to the Union Canal and back. After the end of the tour, they had the opportunity to spend some more time with the people from SNAME WES and have a look at the Falkirk gift shop. After that, the bus returned everyone in front of the department at 13:10 and then Mrs. Nina invited all the trip attendees at Bar Home to treat them for her birthday.


Coming away from the event, all University of Strathclyde members felt reinvigorated with the maritime industry and Naval Architecture as a profession, after meeting many new people of various backgrounds with a variety of experience and getting the chance to visit the Falkirk Wheel.

Figure 11 - Lunch at Bar Home

Special thanks go out to Nina Lilley and Keith Lilley for helping the committee to organise and attending themselves the Strathclyde Symposium, as well as to the Union and Department of NAOME of the University of Strathclyde for their sponsorship.