Student Led Seminar 17/11/2014
As part of the section’s key tenants, one of the aims was to introduce professional seminars conducted by students for students at a student level. The student led presentations hope to encourage peer learning through the sharing of experience as well as develop confidence among students in giving presentations and public speaking.
In order to ensure sufficient technical background of the presentations, a set of guidelines were developed with our faculty advisor to ensure robustness, time-limits and appropriate content. To further cement the professional nature of the presentations, SNAME Western Europe consented to providing certificates of attendance for the attendees and certificates for the presenters.
The presentation was well attended with 47 students in attendance from all years including PhD students.
The first student led seminar had a ‘Naval’ theme to it. The presentations included:
Warship Damage Control
Mr. Jack Gracie (2nd Year, Former Royal Navy Officer)
Warship Damage Control Presentation
The Construction of an 8 metre FRP patrol boat
Ms. Naroshinii Annaselam (4th Year Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering)
Both presentations provided interesting videos demonstrating the problems faced in the respective areas they were discussing. Feedback from the event praised the high level of interaction of both presenters with the audience. Both presentations can be viewed on the University of Strathclyde SNAME section micro-site.
Mr Jerry Banks represented the SNAME Western Europe section, and we would like to thank him for his kind words on the event and constructive feedback. Following the event, SNAME Western Europe offered to sponsor one of the presenters to present his/her presentation at a SNAME Western Europe event in London. Dr Iraklis Lazakis will make the decision of which presentation will be selected to represent the section in London. It is a positive step in broadening the exposure of our members with the marine industry.